Published Articles

Heathrow's Mobile Display Solutions Provide Dynamic Messaging in Terminals
Heathrow, Mobile, Technology, Terminal, United Kingdom Heathrow Innovation Team Heathrow, Mobile, Technology, Terminal, United Kingdom Heathrow Innovation Team

Heathrow's Mobile Display Solutions Provide Dynamic Messaging in Terminals

Research shows that passengers feel most relaxed when they are informed, which is why signage, fixed and digital, is heavily used in airport terminal design. Yet there are times when one has to operate outside business-as-usual processes, where contingency situations may require a temporary change or redirection for passengers. This is difficult to achieve within a built environment, one that is set up for processing people quickly, and one not flexible enough to give passengers a multitude of different instructions.

So in early 2013, during a period of snowfall at Heathrow, flights were delayed so we deployed our usual temporary signage to keep passengers informed.

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How Heathrow Promotes Innovative Technology
Heathrow, Innovation, Mobile, Technology Robin Gissing Heathrow, Innovation, Mobile, Technology Robin Gissing

How Heathrow Promotes Innovative Technology

This is the 3rd part of a new series by Heathrow Airport’s innovation team. Part 1 was How Heathrow Innovates and part 2 How Heathrow Launched an Easter App. It’s a good idea to read both to best understand how we work when it comes to technology innovation. Today, we’ll look at a process we internally call showcase which we used to launch a new digital game. This method is also used to collect ideas that may not arise from a challenge-gathering team session.

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